R1D6 July 27, 2019

A few things that have noticed in just under one week of the Whole30.  I am more aware of what is in the food I am eating.  Since I am label reading just about every food before I purchase I find it unbelievable as to what I have been consuming. I hope I don't go back to eating packaged and processed foods.  That is a goal for me in this journey.  It is hard to find some of the foods that are Whole30 compliant.  Take lunch meat for instance.  I've only found one brand (near me) that I can eat.  I'll need to go to our meat market to get it.  It will cost more.  But I think it will be worth it because I don't want to put the "junk" in my body any longer. 

Another awareness is how much mindless eating I had been doing.  I would get home from work and just grab anything because I hadn't eaten lunch.  Or I would stop and get fast food and tell myself it was ok because I was really hungry.  As I drove to do errands yesterday there were so many of those thoughts - "oh, a milkshake sounds good" "I could eat a burger right now since I didn't have lunch, then I won't have to cook".  Yesterday when I had these thoughts I immediately thought of the ingredients of those foods and the health benefits of not eating them.  So it was easier for me to pass on by.  Another goal is to practice mindful eating.  Eating because I'm hungry not because something sounds good.  And eating food that will benefit me and make me feel energized and heathful.

The foods I've been eating are satisfying me and making me feel full. I don't need 2nd and 3rd helpings.  And I don't feel overfull and bloated when I am done eating.

Yesterday was the first Friday night we didn't have "happy hour" in I don't know how long.  That was rough.  But I got through it and felt good about myself for it.


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