
R1D6 July 27, 2019

A few things that have noticed in just under one week of the Whole30.  I am more aware of what is in the food I am eating.  Since I am label reading just about every food before I purchase I find it unbelievable as to what I have been consuming. I hope I don't go back to eating packaged and processed foods.  That is a goal for me in this journey.  It is hard to find some of the foods that are Whole30 compliant.  Take lunch meat for instance.  I've only found one brand (near me) that I can eat.  I'll need to go to our meat market to get it.  It will cost more.  But I think it will be worth it because I don't want to put the "junk" in my body any longer.  Another awareness is how much mindless eating I had been doing.  I would get home from work and just grab anything because I hadn't eaten lunch.  Or I would stop and get fast food and tell myself it was ok because I was really hungry.  As I drove to do errands yesterday t...

R1D3 July 24, 2019

Tired this morning, but I went to bed later than usual.  Chia seed pudding was awful!  No flavor since it was made with unsweetened milk and natural almond butter.  One more day of that for breakfast and I'm never making it again!  I can't just throw it away, the ingredients cost too much!  Lunch was leftover chili from Monday night.  I like that.  For supper we are having chicken picata, roasted cauliflower and mashed potatoes.  I love mashed potatoes! Nathan will have carrots since he isn't a potato guy. I'll make them with ghee and almond milk.  Making ghee was a process.  Not hard, but it does take a while.  Need to keep this on hand for recipes.  I had a kubatcha drink for a snack today.  It was on my grocery list.  What I didn't know is that some have sugars.  Mine did - 8g.  Not too bad, but another day of a mistake.  I didn't really care for it either. 

R1D1 Whole 30 July 22, 2019

I prepped my food for the first 3 days yesterday.  I have enough lunches and breakfast to get me started.  Greg and Nathan are joining me in this venture.  We'll have no dairy, grains, soy, gluten, sugar, alcohol, legumes for 30 days.  That basically leave protein, vegetables, and some fruit.  We can have some condiments too, but they have to be Whole 30 compliant.  I found that shopping for the food was semi-easy.  Kroger had most of what I was looking for, but compliant foods are much more expensive.  $8.99 for a small jar of mayo!  At the end of 30 days we'll have 10 days to work to add foods back in and try to understand which ingredients are causing inflammation, fatigue, headaches, muscle aches, digestive issues, etc. We may even loose a few pounds since we're cutting out most sugars. So, day one went fine.  Food prep was a big help.  I ate breakfast and took my lunch to work.  Then got invited out to eat to celebrate a...

R1D2 July 23, 2019

I woke up sleepy today, and even had went to bed about a 1/2 hour early last night.  Other than that I am feeling fine.  Same breakfast of roasted brussel sprouts, chicken sausage today.  Lunch was grilled chicken, roasted sweet potatoes, and roasted lemon broccoli.  I don't like the lemon flavor.  We have lots of leftovers of this so we had it for dinner too.  For a snack I had a few almond crackers.  Nathan ate the chicken and I made him some green beans.  I had a meeting after dinner.  There was a taco bar set up.  Ugh!  I had some lettuce, onions, and guacamole.  Then I accidentally put on about a 1/8 cup of black beans.  I'm not starting over.  It's only day 2.  I think I am doing well. Greg didn't eat lunch so he ate extra for dinner.